- Post by: ejem
- November 30, 2018
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The purpose of this study was to determine strategies for establishing strategic partnership between industries and technical colleges in Enugu State. Five research questions were formulated to guide the study. A structured questionnaire was the instrument employed in obtaining the data for answering the research questions. The survey research design was employed in the study. The population of the study comprised of 200 final year students; 40 technical teachers, 4 principals and 8 vice principals. The entire population of students, teachers, principals and vice principals were studied. The three technical colleges were selected by purposive sampling technique. Similarly, from each of 102 registered industrial establishments within the location of the three technical colleges, courtesy Enugu State ministry of commerce and industries, one respondent each was selected by purposive sampling. The overall population of the core- technical staff in the industries is 1220. Therefore the total population studied was 4282. A total of 354 respondents were used for the study, comprising of 4 principals and 8 vice principals; 40 technical teachers and instructors, 200 final year students from three prominent government technical colleges and 102 core-staff of industrial establishments, located within Enugu State. 30 questionnaire items were organized logically based on the objectives of the study. The draft questionnaire was subjected to face and construct validation. The validation was done by two experts from the department of Technology and Vocational Education, Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT); and an expert in measurement and evaluation from department of science and computer Education of (ESUT) Enugu. The reliability of the instrument was established using the test-retest method. The computation of the reliability(r) was done applying the Pearson product moment correlation. It yielded a value of 0.85 which was high enough for the study. The questionnaire was administered to the respondents randomly selected. The data obtained were analyzed using the mean and standard deviation. The following findings were deduced: There is need for collaboration between the industries and the institutions in engaging the students in internship program in the course of their studies during vacations, while internship scheme should be immediately on graduation for a period of one year. In addition to paying the students stipends, government should grant tax rebate to collaborating industries. Exchange of industrial experts and instructors of technical colleges especially within their annual vacation period for on-the-job training. Similarly, trade and occupational committees should be collaborating with the technical college authorities with a view to bringing the latest technological/scientific innovations into the training programme of the students. Fund is of essence; captains of industries should be compelled by law to contribute a given percentage of the company’s annual after tax to the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) for operating the and Internship Scheme.
Keywords: Establishing Partnership; Industries and Technical Colleges; Enugu State
Ezeora, Boniface Ugochukwu